• Various researchers believe, and studies have shown, that facial expressions across the globe fall roughly into seven categories:

      SADNESS : eyelids droop, inner corners of the brows rise (and, in extreme sadness, draw together), corners of the lips pull down, lower lip may push up in a pout

      SURPRISE: upper eyelids and brows rise, jaw drops open

      ANGER: both lower and upper eyelids tighten as brows lower and draw together (intense anger additionally raises upper eyelids), jaw thrusts forward, lips press together, lower lip may push up a little.

      DISGUST: nose wrinkles, upper lip rises while lower lip protrudes

      CONTEMPT: Only expression that appears on just one side of the face: One half of the upper lip tightens upward (Sometimes, there is only mention of 6 universal facial expressions, because some researchers combined Disgust and Contempt into one response category for their studies (Ekman & Heider, 1988))

      FEAR: eyes widen, upper lids rise, as in surprise, but brows draw together; lips stretch horizontally

      HAPPINESS: corners of the mouth lift in a smile, eyelids tighten, cheeks rise, outside corners of the brows pull down

      Various researchers believe, and studies have shown, that facial expressions across the globe fall roughly into seven categories:

      SADNESS : eyelids droop, inner corners of the brows rise (and, in extreme sadness, draw together), corners of the lips pull down, lower lip may push up in a pout

      SURPRISE: upper eyelids and brows rise, jaw drops open

      ANGER: both lower and upper eyelids tighten as brows lower and draw together (intense anger additionally raises upper eyelids), jaw thrusts forward, lips press together, lower lip may push up a little.

      DISGUST: nose wrinkles, upper lip rises while lower lip protrudes

      CONTEMPT: Only expression that appears on just one side of the face: One half of the upper lip tightens upward (Sometimes, there is only mention of 6 universal facial expressions, because some researchers combined Disgust and Contempt into one response category for their studies (Ekman & Heider, 1988))

      FEAR: eyes widen, upper lids rise, as in surprise, but brows draw together; lips stretch horizontally

      HAPPINESS: corners of the mouth lift in a smile, eyelids tighten, cheeks rise, outside corners of the brows pull down